Art, Illustration, Israeli Designers cookie moon | covid-19, come on already
there is something quite mesmerizing and touching about the fact that cookie moon’s illustrated line strikes the bare background without any other distraction in sight […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers jenny meilihov | the happy now
jenny meilihov’s ladies posses so much depth and character but subtle at the same time. I can’t get over their intense look and the way they make me feel while i’m staring back at them […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers alon braier | the secret lives of house plants
“good houseplanting” is a user’s guide to a better, healthier relationship with your houseplants, for the novice, traumatized, and the experienced. alon is taking us all on a journey inside his own house and his relationship with his own plants. at least that’s how it all started […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers micush | an illustrated living
michal marko’s tag line is “illustrated living” and boy isn’t it what we could all use these days?! a serine hideout filled with illustrated homeware is just what the doctor ordered […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers tel aviv. stories of a city
as a tel avivian travel guide, you’ll get all the survival guides, insider tips, to-do lists, fun facts, food spots and much more. that’s a given! but what made me extra excited about this guide was the added bonus of 120 pages of original illustrations of the city. you could look at it as a coloring book or as i’m about to look at it, a stare only, don’t-touch-any- of-the-illustrations kind of guide […]
Art, Illustration, Israeli Designers noa goffer | the home of the misplaced and forgotten creatures
misfortunes is a home for the misplaced, forgotten, at times defected characters in life. the unique creatures are not exactly human, nor nature, but a mix of the imaginary and the real […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers, Textile Design Na’ama Ben Moshe | You Are A Doll!
Hello! It’s me. Einat. It’s been forever since […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers PUDISH | Avital Pudinsky | Ready. Set. Doodle
Have you ever fell in love with a […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers Elinor Bengiat | To Crystal Or Not To Crystal?
I’m not really sure where I first saw […]