Israeli Designers, Textile Design efrat elezraki | woven desert
from the first moment i stepped into efrat elezraki’s earthy world i couldn’t stop admiring the mad talent and massive labor that goes to each and every scarf that comes out of her hands and looms […]
Fashion, Israeli Designers, Textile Design Gily Ilan | Wearable Art
When a ceramist decides, that she needs to […]
Illustration, Textile Design Touchka | Wearable Stories
Jenny Lumelsky was one of the firsts who joined […]
Illustration, Israeli Designers, Student Work Student Break: Hadas Friedland Hayun | In The Beginning…
You guys, I’m super excited to begin sharing […]
Fashion, Israeli Designers, Textile Design Dikla Levsky | Wear Your Art
Wherever I turn my head I see a […]
Fashion, Israeli Designers Why Knot | Meital Bailey | Praying to the Gods of Winter
“We all lead lives that are hectic and […]
Fashion, Israeli Designers, Textile Design Tamar Branitzky | Flowered Scarves
After falling head over heels with Tamar Branitzky’s […]
Fashion, Israeli Designers, Textile Design Lee Coren | A Pattern of a City
I’m not really sure where I first bumped […]
Fashion, Israeli Designers, Textile Design Goldfish | A Whoolish Statement
I meant to write about the Goldfish scarfs […]