A couple of weeks ago I experienced my first “snowy vacation”. I drove with a group of super sweet friends all the way from San Francisco to Lake Tahoe (for 4 hours, thank you very much!). While there, we rented the most magical cabin (check out the breathtaking view from the window). It felt so surreal to wake up in the morning, drink a cup of tasty hot chocolate (made by the sweet Ana and then by the lovely Shiri) and just stare at the white mountains.
As you probably know, I prefer the sun to the snow any day of the week, but during that weekend (which was beyond freezing) I learned to appreciate this white white thing a little bit more. However, if there is one thing I know for sure is that Lake Tahoe during winter time is the place to be.
And now, I leave you with a taste of this magical white with a dash of blue. Happy (and hopefully sunny) weekend, my sweet breakers!
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February 8, 2014
Oh Tahoe was soooooo pretty! And there is this duck who felt in love with me. ;)