You guys, I’m still alive. Not as productive online (hopefully it will change soon enough), but if there is one place I try to be more visible, it’s my Instagram account (not to mention, checking my feed @#%$ times a day). Anyways, I’m only sharing this because Instagram is where I first stumbled upon Michal Taharlev’s rad creations. It’s always refreshing to watch a young designer, who decided to embrace new technologies but still sticks to older traditional crafts that usually are long forgotten. BUT WAIT, let’s pause for a sec. I need to thank Jaime aka Miss Design Milk and the newly accessorized, Miss Adorn Milk for this happy revelation.
Now, back to Michal. How crazy cool are these accessories?! I mean, whoever wears these showstoppers, needs to be my BFF. I mean it.
At the beginning, Michal, a textile designer, who graduated from the Shenkar College in 2011, struggled with the question: “how can I take the hand weaving process and combine it to become a new and contemporary product that will be traditional yet modern?” All I can say is: Michal, you need to struggle no more!
In her brand new collection, Michal continues to explore the relationship between metal and textile, but this time by using laser cutting in order to shape the fabrics. These hundreds of small and delicate threads, which are manually assembled and dyed, are tightened together by metals.
I’m thinking a shopping spree is in order. Are you with me on this one?
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