When you wake up every 3 hours to feed your mini me, good things can happen. Even at 3AM (!!!) And when I say good things, I usually refer to shoes.
Katz & Birds by Hadas Katz, found it’s way to my facebook feed and I couldn’t be any happier.
Side note: it’s been months since I checked my facebook feed, but I’m sure glad I decided to do so, only to find out about Hadas and her magical shoes. OK. Now, back to the shoes.
The second I laid my eyes on Hadas’ shoes, I fell in love with the old fashioned hand embroidery and these shiny beads. It reminded me of all those classes I took as a child. And yeah, they involved lots of shiny beads and lots of embroidery.
Did I mention how much I love wearing a pair of shoes that no one has ever seen before? I have a feeling that it’s going to be the case with Katz & Birds. The only thing left to do is decide which one I should claim as mine. Do you have a favorite? Would love to hear your opinion! I’m a bit lost and love them all.
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