When a ceramist decides, that she needs to follow her own heart, and combine her love for textile with her ceramic roots, you can bet only good things will come out of that juxtapose. Gily Ilan, is the girl, who isn’t afraid to dance in between these two worlds. “My love and curiosity for all sorts of materials has helped me shape my design esthetics, thus creating a line of artisan style necklaces and scarves, that are both sophisticated and practical.”
Choosing the right fabrics and knitting on one hand and creating beautiful magnetic porcelain (!!!) clasps on the other, the end result is a pure stunner.
While going through Gily’s latest creations, all I could think was: “I wish I could find a way to have all these stunning scarves for myself!” Yeah, it’s a problem. A problem I have to find a way to resolve. I mean, look at that fancy scarf. And by calling it a scarf, I’m doing it such an injustice. It’s more like, a wearable piece of art (!!!)
Don’t get me wrong, I love all these necklaces BUT… these chunky beauties are show stoppers and I can never say no to a good show stopper.
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